Vibrant Habit #9

I remember when I’d walk into a diner in the 90s and order my cup of coffee. I didn’t have to specify a size, tell them my first name so they could spell it wrong on my cup, or say what I wanted to add to it because the pink packets and creamer pitcher had been sitting on the table for 8 days already waiting for me. I’d get the check and pay my $.25 for the coffee (and that included 5 free refills). Then Flo would see her tip (what’s 10% of $.25?) and notice she had to fill the cream again… after 8 days… and roll her eyes at me. Today when I go into a coffee shop and order a coffee it’s a chore… I’ll have a coffee please. Hot or cold? Hot. What size? Medium. Grande? No, medium… grande means big. In this establishment, it means medium. Then I’ll have a grande hot coffee. What do you want in it? Milk please. What type of milk? The white kind. Well, we have whole milk, 2% milk, non-fat milk, soy milk, coconut milk oat milk, and almond milk… I think they are all pretty much white. Ok, almond milk then. Would you like to add a syrup for flavoring? Interesting, what flavors do you have? Brown sugar, vanilla, sugar cookie, hazelnut, cane sugar, caramel, toasted vanilla, raspberry, classic, cinnamon dulce, chestnut praline, toffee nut, peppermint, Irish cream, mango, and apple brown sugar. Um, no syrup please and now that there are 120 angry people behind me I’ll just go home and make my own medium-sized hot coffee. As I leave I expect the barista to yell, “Kiss my grits!”

As someone who is always trying to find the healthiest habits to form around anything I put into my body (especially on a daily basis), I went on a java journey to find the good, the bad and the ugly. So I prepared a cup of pour-over coffee, added MCT oil and got to work. First the bad and ugly. With over 200 pesticides used on conventionally grown coffee crops, non-organic coffee is one of the most heavily chemically treated crops of any agricultural commodity in the world (need I go on? I shall.) The conventional process starts by fumigating the soil to remove any naturally occurring fungicides. The next step is to fertilize the soil with a heavily loaded petroleum-based chemical fertilizer. The coffee seeds are then soaked in insecticides and fungicides before being planted. Once the seeds are planted, another chemical is added to the irrigation water to keep pests away. After the coffee plants start to sprout, they will be sprayed with weedicide to kill off any unwanted weeds. This is harmful to the workers, land, surrounding communities and ultimately the consumer… you. Like coffee, these facts can leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Anyway, regular exposure to pesticides can damage our body systems, throw off hormones, and increase the risk of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, food allergies, and obesity. Conventional coffee can be harder on digestion since it contains powerful irritants and cancer-causing agents. This information makes me nuts… Chock full o’Nuts!

Unlike conventional coffee, growing organic coffee does not involve the use of chemicals. Farmers will instead use organic fertilizers like coffee pulp or compost, reducing the risk of pesticide-related illness. Organic fertilizers actually help boost the antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral levels of coffee and has more micronutrients than regular coffee like magnesium, potassium, niacin, and B vitamins, which help to protect our bodies against harmful free radicals that cause disease. Organic coffee is grown for longer in high altitudes with lots of shade, purifying the soil, and preventing water contamination. This process, along with the use of natural fertilizers, makes it taste richer and more flavorful! Organic farmers practice fair trade standards and this means they practice sustainability and environmental safety. Pure organic caffeine can make you work better throughout the day by boosting energy levels and increasing brain productivity!

So, if you are a coffee drinker (or know someone who is), and you are drinking conventional coffee, I hope you see why it would be beneficial to upgrade that daily habit of yours to an organic coffee brand. It will of course cost more but your vibrance is worth it. So, the next time you’re purchasing coffee, see if your favorite brand also has an organic choice or try another brand that does. And the next time you go to your local diner, BYOC!

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Vibrant Habit #10


Vibrant Habit #8