Client Testimonials
"My goal in signing up for Carrie’s detox inflammation program was to stop recently diagnosed Parkinson’s from progressing but I was surprised after 6 days I realized my medicated controlled blood pressure and blood sugar had decreased as well as my weight. I’m confident if I keep up the healthier lifestyle it will slow the progression of Parkinson’s too. I’m more knowledgeable about the benefits of veggies, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds and different spices. I learned chia seeds weren’t just for pet planters! I don’t recognize my colorful stocked refrigerator. I liked following the 6 day menu. I plan on breaking my old habits of just grabbing what’s quick when I’m hungry with planning a menu at least one day in advance. Most of the menu items were good and took 30 minutes or less to make. My favorite was the one pan chicken, cauliflower and carrot fries. I loved the encouraging chats. I’m looking forward to more programs to improve my well-being."
(6-Day Inflammation Detox Program)
"I took Vibrant Over 50's Intermittent Fasting Program after my 60th birthday and several months after being dx with breast cancer. I was looking for a better way to eat, exercise, and live and I found it!! Carrie offers so much information and helpful tips not to mention her upbeat, positive attitude! Intermittent fasting has helped me feel better, decreased my reflux, and helps me have more energy. I just went to my doctor, I've lost 10 pounds, my cholesterol has improved, and my blood pressure is the best that it's been in years!! I highly recommend this program!!"
(Intermittent Fasting Group Program)
The fizz and tea are my jam! The protein is like a treat. In the past 30 days these products along with cleaner eating and gracious coaching from Carrie have made me feel so much better. My joint pain is almost completely gone, I’m enjoying exercising 😮🥳, I look forward to meal prepping (whaaaattt?!?! Never would I ever have thought I would enjoy meal prepping), I can feel my body getting stronger each day and my weight loss is the icing on the cake! I’m so incredibly happy that I started this journey sooner than later. And not to mention the friendships that are made. Good luck and congrats to those that have made a choice to take care of themselves! It’s not always easy but it’s always worth it! 🤗
(30 Days to Healthy Living Challenge)
"I recently finished Carrie’s Intermittent Fasting Program, and it was amazing! Carrie is a great teacher and knowledgeable about nutrition, exercise, and more. I looked forward to every class and have gained so much insight into what my body needs as a woman over 50. I can tell you that I haven't felt this good in a long time. I have more energy and less fatigue, and I haven't had a headache in weeks. So, my ladies in the 50s club, I highly recommend Carrie’s health coaching. You won't be disappointed."
(Intermittent Fasting Group Program)
“I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Carrie. My primary goal was to age in a more fit and healthy way, to be strong and maintain my independence. Carrie has several superpowers. First, she is an active listener, eerily perceptive in her comments. Second, she identifies opportunities for incremental change that can build to something permanent and positive. Carrie gives you the tools, reachable things you need only implement with some consistency. And finally, Carrie is such a decent human, supportive, positive, and kind. I'm fortunate to have her in my life!”
(Private Coaching)
"As a woman over 50, I began to see changes in my health such as brain fog, restless sleep, bloated belly, a reduction in my muscle mass, and mood swings. I was determined to understand WHY these negative changes were happening and see how I could slow, eliminate or reverse them. I took the Intermittent Fasting Virtual Group Program and was given the knowledge and tools I needed. The most notable changes I experienced were in my memory retention, increased energy levels, and vastly improved sleep. I also saw favorable changes in my mood and as added benefits, I saw a flatter belly and increase in muscle tone. This course is a must for a healthier and more vibrant life!
(Intermittent Fasting Group Program)
"I have taken the Intermittent Fasting and Meal Prep courses and it’s redefined my approach to food and eating. Carrie explains the science and the chemistry and it all makes sense and gives you the tools to adjust to our menopause years without fad diets and extremes. Thanks Carrie for all of your knowledge and the numerous resources."
(Intermittent Fasting & Meal Prep Programs)
“I would highly recommend the Mastering Menopause Group Program to any woman in this stage of life. It’s extremely informative, and personal attention is given to each person in the group. Carrie’s positive energy sets the tone for each class and her kind demeanor makes her so approachable. After just one week, I found myself paying closer attention to my health and daily habits. This course really puts into focus that thriving during this time of change is possible. The Mastering Menopause course gives you the tools for success.”
(Mastering Menopause Group Program)
"Before working with Carrie, I felt like I was not making progress, repeating the same mistakes over and over. Carrie listened carefully to me and gained a clear understanding of what my wellness goals were. She helped me map out a realistic plan to reach those goals. She offered helpful suggestions on how to include small actions in my day. Carrie's coaching includes affirmation, accountability, thoughtfulness and a great sense of humor."
(Private Coaching)