Vibrant Habit #14

I remember when I was a little kid and my mom would tell me it was time to take a bath. I’d run, I’d hide, I’d scream, I’d threaten to run away, and then I’d find myself begrudgingly stepping into the bathtub because running away was way more work than taking a bath. Wait! There are bubbles… so many bubbles I could hide in them… enough bubbles to make a head full of bubble hair with a bubble beard and mustache! I mean, why didn’t my mom ever just say, “It’s time for a BUBBLE bath!” Then I’d be half naked before she could get the whole sentence out. Maybe it’s because she saw the warning label on the bubble bath bottle that stated that prolonged use might cause skin and urinary tract irritation. That bubbly mix of sulfates, phthalates, formaldehyde (isn’t that what they use on dead bodies?) and other toxic chemicals was on my skin, in my eyes, on my tongue, and everywhere it shouldn’t have been. During our lifetime, my Vibrant Over 50 community, there has been well over 87,000 chemicals approved for commercial use and the United States has only banned 11 ingredients that have been scientifically proven to be harmful to our health. We ingest, inhale, and absorb through our skin a ridiculous number of toxins every day. Neurotoxins, hormone disruptors, and carcinogens are lurking everywhere and are unavoidable.

We are all adults now so let’s use our baths to DETOXIFY our bodies! Here are some common types of detox baths and how they can benefit your health:

  • Epsom Salt Bath

    The most popular of the detox baths, Epsom salts, are made of magnesium and sulphate. Both are critical nutrients for the human body and both absorb readily via the skin. They have long been used to stimulate detoxification, reduce inflammation in sore muscles, lower blood pressure, promote healthy circulation, and help with relaxation and normalizing sleep patterns. Start out by adding one cup of Epsom Salt to your bathtub and gradually increase to two or three cups.

  • Bentonite Clay Bath

    Taking a bentonite clay detox bath is a great way to remove heavy metals from the body. Bentonite clay is a naturally-forming clay that magnetically pulls toxins, heavy metals, and wastes from the body. Pour about 1/5 -1 cup of bentonite clay into a bath of hot water, breaking up the clumps. It is typically recommended to start by taking a clay bath once a week, then moving to about once a month for maintenance.

  • Baking Soda Bath

    Baking soda baths are naturally alkalizing and are beneficial for boosting liver function, supporting digestive issues, and combating a sore throat. When combined with sea salt, this bath is also great for fighting any exposure to environmental radiation, x-rays, plane flights or airport screenings. Dissolve two to four cups of aluminum-free baking soda in your tub and soak for at least 20 minutes.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

    The apple cider vinegar detox bath is great for inflammatory body ailments, like arthritis, and for those dealing with candida issues. It is an especially sweat-inducing bath, which aids your body’s detox process, so don’t be surprised if you continue sweating for a bit afterward. Add one to two cups of pure, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (like Bragg) and soak in the tub for up to 30 minutes.

  • Magnesium Salt Bath

    Magnesium salts/flakes, are a compound of magnesium and chloride. Magnesium soaks can restore your body’s magnesium stores (most people are deficient in this mineral and it is crucial in over 300 processes in your body). It can promote relaxation and a good nights sleep, relieve muscle tension, support bone & skin health, and may help relieve inflammatory skin conditions and migraines. Two cups of flakes and a 20 minute soak should do the trick.

Tips: Exit your bath slowly since you may be a bit lightheaded (don’t ask me how I know that), drink plenty of water before and after your bath, and consider a foot soak with these products if you don’t have a tub (just adjust the amounts accordingly).

This habit may be one of your favorites… commit to taking a detox bath one time per week. While you are soaking, try detoxing negative self thoughts by using the habit in this blog, or detox a cynical attitude by using the habit in this blog, or detox from stress by trying the breathing technique at the end of this blog. So, no more bathing with Mr. Bubble… upgrade to taking a soak with Dr. Teal’s!

Dr Teal's Pure Epsom Salt Soak, Pure Bentonite Clay, Baking Soda - Aluminum Free, Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes


Vibrant Habit #15


Vibrant Habit #13