Vibrant Habit #2

I hate to brag, but I discovered the fountain of vibrance. It all started with me waking up for months with headaches, feeling fatigued by midday, craving snacks all day long, having dry and lackluster skin, being moody (even though I was usually such a pleasant peach), and dealing with brain fog. I had lost my vibrance and I was determined to get it back. So, I put on my Indiana Jones fedora with UPF 50, grabbed my whip (just because) and holstered my phone. I set out and journeyed far and wide into the land of Google and lo and behold my vibrance was only steps away! I may not have discovered the Lost Ark or the Holy Grail but I did discover that my filtered water pitcher needed some attention and use.

So I started my new habit of putting my water bottle by my coffee area every night. When I woke up, I filled it with fresh, filtered water and drank 10oz before I even opened my left eyelid (I’m now up to 16oz with both eyes open). After a few days, every symptom I was experiencing was either gone or improving (I was also drinking more water throughout the day… but that’s another vibrant habit for another week). And I’m now a peach of the most pleasant sort.

With that, here is your second vibrant habit… right when you wake up in the morning and open at least one eyeball (safety first), walk into your kitchen and enjoy your inner bath. Drink 10oz or more of filtered water and increase this amount over time if you can. Now smile because you are starting a hydration habit in which the benefits include increasing your level of alertness, fueling your brain (which is made up of over 70% water), fighting sickness, strengthening your immune system, ridding your body of toxins, jump starting your metabolism, reinforcing healthy weight loss, improving your complexion and skin radiance, preventing kidney stones, protecting your colon and bladder from infections, promoting growth of healthy hair, decreasing fatigue and cravings, improving mood and relieving and preventing headaches (basically everything that being over 50 is fighting against)!

What are you waiting for? Start your day with a glass of water from the fountain of vibrance and reap the benefits!


Vibrant Habit #3


Vibrant Habit #1