Vibrant Over 50

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Vibrant Habit #15

I have a horrible memory. But, the things I do remember are really just plain strange. I can’t remember who my second-grade teacher was (let alone my third, fourth, or fifth-grade teachers), but I do remember what accoutrements were on my bathroom counter when I was a teenager. A big blue jug of Noxzema, a hair dryer, curling iron, hair brushes, twelve cans of Aqua Net hairspray (dude… it was the 80s), and that bottle of bubblegum ACT fluoride mouthwash. You know, the one where you had to squeeze the bottle so it would dispense just the right amount of artificially pink liquid into the upper cup for you to swig and swish. I shared it (along with all of my swigging germs) with both of my sisters.

We often think the best way to combat bad breath and improve oral hygiene is through using strong, sanitizing mouthwashes (think Scope and Listerine). We opt for powerful, astringent mouthwashes that zap our mouth’s bacteria hoping it will leave us with fresh, minty breath. But, like most relationships that are built on lies, the truth eventually gets “spit out.” There are many side effects that outweigh the benefits of using mouthwash as part of your everyday routine. Here are some examples and the last one is a doozie:

  • An ingredient called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is used in some oral rinses. If you’re prone to developing canker sores, using mouthwash (or any oral product) that contains SLS might cause an outbreak of sores or make them worse.

  • Mouthwash that contains alcohol may actually make symptoms of dry mouth worse.

  • Some mouthwashes contain up to 25 percent alcohol, which makes the tingling sensation feel more like your mouth is on fire (I’d rather suck on a ghost pepper).

  • A 2016 study concluded that people who regularly use mouthwash may have a slightly elevated risk of head and neck cancers than people who never used mouthwash due to the addition of certain synthetic ingredients. I challenge you to look at the ingredients on your mouthwash bottle and see how many you recognize… besides water and alcohol of course.

  • If you have sores in your mouth, have a compromised immune system, or you’re currently undergoing chemotherapy, you might want to avoid using mouthwash… red flag anyone? Flossing and brushing twice per day have more proven benefits and fewer possible side effects.

  • Drum roll please… any type of mouthwash may kill off a high number of bacteria in your mouth (run if it states that it kills 99.9% of germs). Your mouth houses a fine balance of microbes (bacteria) working together with your gut microbes and immune system to keep your whole body healthy, and we can upset that balance by using mouthwash. These benign oral microbes convert dietary nitrates into nitrites and then to nitric oxide, to be absorbed by the body. Nitric oxide is your body’s natural blood pressure regulator that keeps your heart healthy. Antibacterial mouthwash can completely kill these oral microbes. Research has proven that prolonged use of mouthwash, more than twice a day for over a year, increases the risk of developing hypertension by 85 percent as compared to those using mouthwash less frequently. Studies have also suggested a possible link between over-the-counter antiseptic mouthwash and an increased risk of diabetes. Jaw dropping (and I could go on and on about other things we often do that inhibit nitric oxide production)!

With that, your newest vibrant habit is to try slowly decreasing your use of commercial mouthwash and maybe even get to the point where you don’t feel you need it anymore. There are also alternatives that are much safer and effective (see link below) or make your own mouthwash (glance below again)! Your oral microbiome is very resilient and can repopulate in about 4 days! Now, I need to find out if Aqua Net has any redeeming qualities, besides its incredible ability to make my banana clip bond permanently to my bathroom counter.

Lumineux Clean & Fresh Mouthwash

Homemade Mouthwash – Mix ½ tablespoon of baking soda with water and add a pinch of sea salt. These ingredients will help with remineralization in addition to freshening your breath.

P.S. One of the most powerful ways to increase nitric oxide is to SHUT YOUR MOUTH! If you missed this blog, click on the link and find out what vibrant habit makes your heart happy… literally.

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